Monday, July 23, 2012

Leftover Carne Asada and Cebollitas

Summer is the season for cook outs and for me that means tons and tons of Carne Asada.  My in-laws usually stick with a simple dusting of garlic salt with parsley flakes and off to the grill it goes.  The occasionally quick soak in Bud Light changes things up a bit.

This last weekend we decided to try making some Cebollitas or grilled green onions.  We just cut them, leaving three or four inches of green, and wrapped them up in foil.  To experiment we added a tablespoon of A1 Steaksauce to a couple of our bundles before we wrapped them up to give them a little added flavor.  You can of substitute another sauce or even add just a bit of salt and pepper. 

The next day I had some leftovers but not enough for another full meal.  I ended up making a creamy and spicy potato soup using the carne asada and cebollitas.  It was kind of hodge-podge cooking but it turned out pretty good for a first try.

Carne Asada Potato Soup

  • 2-3 slices of Carne Asada
  • 3-4 cebollitas
  • 1-3 jalepenos
  • 1 can condensed cream of chicken 
  • 2 medium to large potatoes
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • 1 cube chicken bullion  
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • Ground black pepper (optional)
Skin and cube the potatoes.  Add the potatoes to a pot and cover with just enough water to cover.  Toss in the chicken bullion cube and bring to a boil then turn the heat down to medium.  While the potatoes cook dice the cebollitas and one jalepeno.  Saute the cebollitas and jalepeno in a seperate pan with the butter.  Slice the remaining jalepenos into quarters and set aside.  Once the potatoes are cooked pour most of the liquid into a container but do not dispose of it.  Add the cebollita and jalepeno mixture and the cream of chicken.  Add the milk and slowly add the chicken broth liquid until you reach your preferred thickness.  Add the remaining jalepenos while the soup heats almost to a boil.  Serve with ground black pepper.

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